The content for this project was originally created and designed in a poster format, for an assignment during my second year of school. When given the opportunity to redo it in third year, I wanted to push it further – push my creativity further. I started by creating simple storyboards to map out exactly how I will turn the written text into an animation that is informative and legible to the viewer.

proxima nova fact video


I knew this project would be a lot to take on as type-based motion graphics projects can be tricky. The ultimate goal of the project was to create an animation that can be watched (and read!) from start to finish without needing to be paused to read the information. Something I needed to keep in mind was that people read at different paces, and I would need to gauge the appropriate amount of time to leave the text on the screen.

Storyboards for my animated short

The process of creating and animating the project was a lot of fun. I feel most confident as a designer when working on motion graphics pieces, and letting my brain guide me through the animation process naturally. Proxima Nova is a modern and clean typeface, and I wanted the animation to reflect this by using a minimal colour palette and satisfying design choices.

I believe this project was successful and it is one of my favourite motion graphics pieces to date. I am happy with the way the type was laid out and this project has helped me feel much more confident about future typography-based animations I will work on.

A still frame from the project
A still frame from the project