Typography and layout have always had a special place in my heart. Approaching this project, I knew I wanted to do everything I could to make an awesome typographic layout. The restaurant I was designing for was a trendy, modern, vegan juice bar and cafe. Their menu included plant-based dishes as well as hot drinks, juices and smoothies.

menu design

typography & layout | spring 2022

I started by choosing the shape of the menu. The dimensions were completely up to me to decide. I ended up settling on a brochure style menu that was 21 total inches in length, divided into three double-sided pages. I knew I wanted photography incorporated in this layout as a nice accent. Ideally, I wanted the images to blend with the background to make things flow and look cohesive overall.

Storyboards for my animated short

This was a project that I ran into some errors with. I underestimated the amount of content I needed to fit into the layout, and I had fears that everything wouldn’t fit onto the five pages of space I had, as the sixth page was being used as the front cover. After a lot of patience and trial-and-error layouts, I was able to fit everything onto the menu without any crowdedness or awkward layouts.

I absolutely think this project was a success. This is a project that I genuinely feel proud of through-and-through. Despite the layout challenges faced, I came out with a solid, professional layout that includes the use of accent photography, which was my overarching goal.

A still frame from the project
A still frame from the project
A still frame from the project
A still frame from the project
A still frame from the project